Search User's gists =================== Listing all the Gists ``search('_USERNAME').listall()`` ------------------------------------------------------- Fetch all the GistsNames of a Github User. .. note:: Only recent 30 gists will be shown as per the Github API v3 .. code-block:: python'_USERNAME').listall() Listing the required number of Gists ``search('_USERNAME').list(integar)`` -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Fetch only the limited number of Gists. .. note:: Input integar ``integar`` is **required** as an argument which will limit the number of Gists to be listed. .. code-block:: python'_USERNAME').list(2) Fetching the contents of a Gist using GistName ``search('_USERNAME').content(params)`` -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Fetch the contents of a Gist by name (GistName). .. code-block:: python'_USERNAME').content(name='_GISTNAME') Fetching the contents of any Gist using GistID ``search('').content(id='_GISTID')`` ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Fetch by id (GistID) .. code-block:: python'').content(id='_GISTID') Fetch GistName ``search('').getgist(id='_GISTID')`` --------------------------------------------------- Fetch Gist's name by provoding it's ID i.e. GistID. .. code-block:: python'').getgist(id='_GISTID') Fetch Gist-Link, Clone-Link and Embed-Script-Link of searched gist ``search('_USERNAME/EMPTY').links(id/name)`` ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ It is very very useful and solves the dual purpose. Providing the username and a Gistname of that user not only provides the above mentioned Links but also let 'one' know about the GistID of that Gist. Moreover, this criteria can also be applied in finding 'one\'s' own Gist's GistID by providing Gistname. .. note:: Input ``name/id`` - if providing GistdID, Github-Username should be blank like search(''),links(id='_GISTID') if providing GistName, Github-Username is required like search('Github-User').links(name='THATUSERSGISTNAME') *Required* .. code-block:: python'').links(id='_GISTID')'_USERNAME').links(name='_GISTNAME') Other Docs ^^^^^^^^^^ * :doc:`index` * :doc:`create` * :doc:`manage` * :doc:`actions` * :doc:`comments`